Saturday, May 29, 2010

i would like to explore your geoncentric universe
the one you surrounded with the barbed white picket fencing
where you locked yourself behind pearly gates
where you locked galilleo in a tower
and dedicated him a church
five hundred years later
i want shotgun in your limo and a drag of your second world cigar
i want to see the view from your apartment
which you can keep
can i please walk your pet and hug it

Friday, May 28, 2010

If you're pencil, I'm paper;
we're height marked on a wall.
I'll be five foot seven
when you're six feet tall.

Here's a bad place to stay,
it reeks of years of our sweat.
Let me take you away
to smoke foreign cigarettes.

If you're tide, then I'm beach.
You are water, I'm land.
We can travel the coasts,
wet our feet and kick sand.

Moon reflecting the sun
and to earth the lights fall.
The night as we know it,
not so dark afterall.

On Rail

south of Budapest
old houses
to older country
where amidst the rails
and patchy
the poppies grow
and yes
i do miss those at home
yet they have thorns
and these are redder

Of Bows & Arrows

whenever he could
the archer would ascend high
to shoot his falling feathers

and at dawn
descend to the delta to sleep

wrapping his bow
in soft words and smoke
he protected it from himself
when his nightmares
tossed him about his cot in his sleep

nothing he had was enough
to protect his most prized time
from himself

broken and cracked
the arrows go nowhere
and rest comfortably in his arms